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The Ankeny High School Choral Music Department is proud of its tradition of excellence in both curricular and extra-curricular ensembles.  Ankeny High School choral ensembles receive many awards, honors, and accolades each year and place focus on consistent growth and on department values. Our department pillars (values) are: EXCELLENCE, COMMITMENT, PRIDE, COMMUNITY, and FUTURE. The department, directed by Ben Walters and Adam Brown, is home to six performing ensembles involving approximately 220 students with numbers that continue to grow each year.


Ankeny High School is proud of its extra-curricular show choir program.  Three ensembles are offered: Visual Adrenaline (varsity mixed), Perpetual Motion (junior-varsity mixed), Intensity (junior-varsity women).  The show choir season begins with camps in late July/early August.  Show choirs rehearse on Monday evenings in the fall and on Monday and Thursday evenings from late October to early March.  Show Choir’s competition season runs January-March with contests taking place on Saturdays.  AHS Show Choir’s also present a “Spring Show Choir Spectacular” in March for home audiences.


Ben Walters –

Adam Brown –

Nick Oswald –

For more information

Ankeny Choral Music